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«Mathematics of History, the key to understand the future», video.

«Mathematics of History, the key to understand the future».

A video to learn about the theory of «Mathematics of History» of the Catalan scientist Alexandre Deulofeu and it’s main successes and forecasts. Screenplay and editing: David de Montserrat i Nonó. Thanks to: Visiona TV (http://www.visiona.tv/en/). Sound: http://www.bensound.com. Origin: http://www.matematicadelahistoria.cat. Date of publication: Tuesday, April 11th 2017. Duration: 5 minutes and 32 seconds.

«Mathematics of History, the key to understand the future». English (new version):


«Matemàtica de la Història, la clau per entendre el futur». Català:


«Matemática de la Historia, la clave para entender el futuro». Castellano (nueva versión):


We appreciate the good work of journalist David de Montserrat in the creation of this video.

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